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Thinking Like A Programmer

The Importance of Understanding Your Tools

When creating media, whether it’s video editing, graphic design, or content management, understanding the tools you are using is crucial. Just as a programmer needs to know the capabilities and limitations of the programming languages and software they work with, a media creator should be intimately familiar with their tools. This knowledge not only enhances your efficiency but also enables you to push the boundaries of what you can create.

  • Deep Tool Knowledge: Dive deep into learning the software, platforms, and hardware you use. Understanding their full range of features allows you to work more effectively, troubleshoot problems quickly, and discover shortcuts that save time.

  • Customization and Personalization: Just as programmers customize their development environments, media creators can customize their tools. Whether it’s setting up templates, creating presets, or using macros, personalizing your tools to fit your workflow can greatly enhance productivity.

The Power of Automation

Automation is a cornerstone of programming, and it can be equally powerful in media creation. Automating repetitive tasks not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors and ensures consistency across your projects.

  • Batch Processing: Many media tools offer batch processing features, allowing you to apply the same action to multiple files simultaneously. Whether it’s resizing images, applying filters, or exporting videos, automation can drastically reduce the time spent on these tasks.

  • Scripting and Macros: Some tools allow you to write scripts or create macros that automate complex workflows. For example, you can automate the process of importing files, applying specific effects, and exporting them in the desired format. This is especially useful for tasks that you perform frequently.

  • Integration and Workflow Automation: Tools like Zapier or IFTTT enable you to connect different apps and automate workflows across platforms. For instance, you can set up automation that automatically backs up your files, posts content to social media, or sends notifications when tasks are completed.

Efficiency Through Simplification

A key principle in both programming and media creation is the idea that simpler is better. You are more likely to repeat a process that takes 2 steps than one that takes 10. By simplifying your workflows, you make it easier to maintain consistency and productivity.

  • Streamlined Workflows: Identify the steps in your current workflow that can be simplified or combined. For example, if you’re manually adjusting settings for each project, consider creating a template that sets everything up automatically.

  • Focus on Reusability: In programming, reusability is a key concept—using code that can be repurposed in different parts of a project. Similarly, in media creation, reusable assets, templates, and presets can save you significant time and effort.

  • Iterative Improvement: Continuously evaluate and refine your processes. Just as programmers iterate on their code to improve efficiency and performance, you should look for ways to streamline your media creation workflows over time.


Thinking like a programmer when creating media can dramatically improve your efficiency and the quality of your work. By deeply understanding your tools, embracing automation, and simplifying your workflows, you can focus more on creativity and less on repetitive tasks. Remember, the easier a process is, the more likely you are to do it consistently—so strive to make every step of your workflow as simple and streamlined as possible.