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Rules for Playing on Kulprid's Game Servers

General Conduct

  • Be a Decent Human Being: If your intention is to troll the streamer and be annoying, this server is not for you. However, if you want to join to assist, be helpful, or in general behave decently, you are welcome.

Gameplay and Mods

  • Twitch Interaction: Servers hosted by Kulprid may use mods that allow Twitch interactions with the streamer. This can result in items being spawned or events occurring during gameplay.
  • Loss of Items/Structures: If spawned entities or events cause you to lose items or structures, they will NOT be replaced unless specifically mentioned by Kulprid. Assume lost items/structures are not recoverable.


  • Final Say: Kulprid has the final say in all matters, including player bans if required.