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The Imperium of Eclipse Haven

Founded before November 2021, the exact date is unknown.

The exact founders are all unknown and have now become myths. In tales found in the Imperium’s vaults, the settlement of Eclipse Haven was created to escape the growing escalation of the war in the land of ScrubCraft.

The Imperium is located on the border region of the Jenavan Empire. It is a man-made taiga island that acts as the barrier between the Jenavan Sea and the Eclipsian Sea (aka the Sethian Sea). The Imperium Castle is the center of government at Eclipse Haven, with a surrounding town being the major city of Eclipse Haven. The town has a shopping market behind the castle, with living spaces in front of the castle that hold the elite trade boats and cannons of Eclipse Haven.

The Imperium holds the Church of Sulack, a religion formed during the trying times of the Great War of Terror.the Axes. The culture, in general, is a mix of many people, from refugees who fled to the land during the Great War of Terrorthe Axes to military leaders of governments whose land was occupied or unsafe.

The Imperium has had multiple governments, originating with a single leader elected by the people to a consulate of three, with the 1st consul in charge of the government, the 2nd in charge of foreign diplomacy and the military, and the 3rd in charge of the judgment system. The only consulate government was the first one led by YvartheNerd, Ben2790 [Regular Ben], and Drafty09, each being the respective consul. In the absence of YvartheNerd and Drafty09, the 2nd Consul dissolved the government and replaced it with a dictatorship under Ben.him.

The military of the Imperium of Eclipse Haven is the second-strongest in the land of ScrubCraft. Led by Consul Ben, the Imperium was able to contribute to the Board of Nations to stop the ongoing terrorism threat in ScrubCraft. Eclipse Haven was also a founding member of The Coalition: Against Terrorism. The Imperium of Eclipse Haven has annexed many territories that have stories as well; these include Areas 52, 53, 54, and the Magical Province of Subterraria.

The Areas were created by Regular Ben and Jostin1 during the Great War of Terror,the Axes, which was the war to defeat MinniTheCat and his associates. The territories were created as places of refuge for those affected by Minni’s terror. Area 52 also developed the first nuke in ScrubCraft history. Once the Empire of Jenava found the location of Minni’s base, Ben launched a nuke and flew over to watch the explosion with members of Jenava. Once Ben became the Consul of Eclipse Haven, he decided to have the Areas formally annexed by Eclipse Haven, even installing a Nuclear Silo in Eclipse Haven with a launch room locked in the sewers of Eclipse Haven. The Province of Subterraria was annexed due to growing aggression by Howlshadow and the newly founded Imperium’s interest in the magic found in the ancient rocks in the province.

The Imperium created a shopping district called Dingleway in the Bay of Epirus due to worries about Eclipse Haven becoming a Jenavan puppet state. A standard currency was also created due to the growing inflation of diamonds in ScrubCraft, called the Yvar Dollar after the first consul.

In modern days, the Imperium has become less hostile and has been acting as the de facto head government of the Board of Nations due to the inactivity and isolationist policies of other nations. Recently Regular Ben has ascended to a new plane of existence and has become a god. This left br.Ben2790yt as the new leader of Eclipse Haven.