Template WIP
- Health decreased from 250 to 200.
B.O.B.’sUltimateweaponcostdamage increasedreduced from142450 to17.2240
The Viper
40 – 12
Falloff range:
20 – 40 meters
Rate of fire:
~0.266 second recovery
(3.75 shots per second)
(3.75 shots per second)
Reload time:
0.5 seconds (initial animation)
+0.2 seconds per bullet
2.9 seconds (full reload animation)
+0.2 seconds per bullet
2.9 seconds (full reload animation)
Spread angle:
Max: 1.85 degrees
Projectile radius:
0.08 meters
Ashe's semi-automatic rifle fires quick shots.
Ability details:
- Damage per second: ~150 while firing (71.64 overall w/reload)
- Ashe reloads The Viper one bullet at a time in rapid succession, instead of all at once.
- The more bullets used in the magazine, the longer it takes to fully reload.
- If the reload is cancelled before completion, some ammo is still replenished based on how many bullets loaded into the gun, instead of none at all.
- Unlike most weapons, The Viper is semi-automatic instead of fully automatic.
- Spread resets after 1.5 seconds since the last unscoped shot. Spread starts on the 3rd shot and reaches its maximum upon the 6th shot.
- Each shot raises the Ashe camera (changes the facing angle) by 1 unit.
- If after the shot you turn on the zoom and try to shoot, it will take at least 0.240 seconds.
The Viper (ADS)
75 – 22.5
Falloff range:
30 – 50 meters
Rate of fire:
0.65 second recovery
Reload time:
0.5 seconds (initial animation)
+0.2 seconds per bullet
2.9 seconds (full reload animation)
+0.2 seconds per bullet
2.9 seconds (full reload animation)
Cast time:
0.192 seconds scoping in
0.160 seconds for scope out
0.160 seconds for scope out
Spread angle:
Move. speed:
-25% penalty
Projectile radius:
0.08 meters
Ashe can use her aim-down sights for a more damaging, precise shot.
Ability details:
- Damage per second: ~115 while firing (79.15 overall w/reload)
- Ashe can jump while aiming down sights.
- After the shot, the game raises the Ashe camera (changes the facing angle) by 1 unit, after which it starts lowering the Ashe camera to its previous value. Unlike Cassidy, Ashe will not be able to shoot once the camera is back in position and will have to wait ~0.096 seconds.
12 seconds
Explosion: 20 - 50
Burn: 100
Self: 50%
Burn: 100
Self: 50%
Cast time:
0.16 seconds for throw + 0.4 s. recovery
2 seconds for explode after landing
2 seconds for explode after landing
5 seconds (burn)
Area of effect:
5 meter radius
Projectile speed:
25 meters per second
Projectile radius:
Ashe throws an explosive that detonates after a short delay or immediately when shot. The explosion from Dynamite also lights enemies on fire, dealing damage over time.
Ability details:
- Damages self, but the damage is halved.
- Can be shot at with The Viper or Coach Gun to detonate immediately.
- The burn also affects barriers and turrets.
- The burn is removed immediately by Protection Suzu, Personal/Projected Barrier or upon taking a Health Pack.
- If the ability is interrupted before cast time ends, the ability's cooldown will not trigger.
- The projectile can be destroyed while in air by Defense Matrix, Kinetic Grasp and Javelin Spin and reflected by Deflect, but the explosion is unaffected.
- Amplification Matrix affects all damage dealt, if the projectile passes through it. Explosion damage alone or player with DoT going through is not amplified.
Coach Gun
10 seconds
6 per pellet
90 per shot
90 per shot
Bullets per shot:
Cast time:
0.16 seconds for cast + 0.4 s. recovery
Max. range:
15 meters max (enemy knockback)
9.4 meters (self-knockback)
9.4 meters (self-knockback)
Move. speed:
18 meters per second (max. vertical)
16 meters per second (max. horizontal)
16 meters per second (max. horizontal)
Projectile radius:
0.45 meters
Ashe blasts enemies in front of her, knocking them away and propelling herself backward for added mobility.
Ability details:
- During cast time, you can change the future flight path.
- The bullets do not need to hit anything in order to apply the knock back to Ashe.
- Can be used while rooted or hindered, as it counts as a self-knockback instead of a movement ability.
- Hindered does not interrupt or prevent the knockback either. Being rooted, however, will still prevent any movement.
2450 points
120 (charge)
17 (arm cannons)
17 (arm cannons)
Rate of fire:
8 bullets per second
Cast time:
0.5 seconds animation
10 seconds (after bob collision)
Max. range:
70 meters (charge)
40 meters (arm cannons)
40 meters (arm cannons)
Move. speed:
15 meters per second
Ashe summons her trusted omnic sidekick, B.O.B., who charges forward and knocks enemies into the air, then lays down suppressing fire with his arm cannons.
Ability details:
- Damage per second: 136 while active
- B.O.B can deal a total of 1326 damage over the duration.
- Ashe passively generates 1% Ult Charge every 4.48 seconds.
- B.O.B. appears slightly to the right of Ashe and lands 5 meters in front of her, then charges in the direction Ashe is looking at. Once B.O.B. bumps into an enemy or a wall, or travels 65 meters, B.O.B. halts and begins shooting nearby enemies like a turret.
- If B.O.B. bumps into an enemy (or enemies), B.O.B. inflicts 120 damage to them and flings them into the air.
- If a charging B.O.B. collides with Charge, Rocket Punch, Shield Bash, or another charging B.O.B., both participants get knocked down for 1.7 seconds.
- B.O.B. automatically uses Symmetra's Teleporter if it's in his path.
- B.O.B. prefers to target enemies that Ashe damages with her rifle.
- B.O.B. is treated as an additional player for most effects, such as contesting/capturing objectives or Wrecking Ball's Adaptive Shield.
- B.O.B.'s charge cannot be blocked by barriers, Defense Matrix, Kinetic Grasp, Javelin Spin and Deflect or boosted by Amplification Matrix, but the shots fired by him interact normally with all of the mentioned.
- B.O.B.'s charge counts as a movement ability, and is interrupted by rooted and hindered.
- Damage amplification buffs on Ashe do not affect B.O.B., but he can be directly boosted by them.